About Us

What is Clovis Rotary?
Clovis Rotary is a membership organization that is made up of a diverse group of individuals. Our members have different gender, education, religion, age, work careers. etc. but they share a common desire to provide service to our community.
We meet regularly, form friendships, and through that, we’re able to get things done. Clovis Rotary has a primary focus on Youth and Community Service. Throughout this website you will get a sense of the priorities and achievements of this very active Rotary Club.
Belonging to Clovis Rotary can be an enjoyable and organized way for individuals to make a significant contribution to their community. By putting their skills to use locally and globally, members also enhance their professional network, career development and cross-cultural understanding.
There is an old saying in this area that “Clovis is a Way of Life”. Members of Clovis Rotary exemplify the Rotary Motto of “Service Above Self”.
We meet on Fridays at noon – come as our guest to learn more about us.
Organizational Structure of Clovis Rotary
CLUB. The Rotary Club of Clovis is a member of Rotary International. The club was chartered in February, 1961 and it is located in Rotary District 5230. The club is most often referred to by its nickname: “Clovis Rotary”.
As a member of Rotary International the club is a 501c4 non-profit organization.
FOUNDATION. A separate entity also exists – Clovis Rotary Foundation, Inc. This Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit, Public Benefit Corporation, registered with the California Secretary of State and the Federal Government. Donations are tax deductible.
The CA Secretary of State Entity Number is 3479146
The Federal Tax Identification Number (FEIN) is 45-5366059
Projects, Info, etc.
Clovis Rotary supports a broad array of individuals and organizations both in the local community and internationally.
THOSE IN NEED. Some examples of our service to those in need include: distribution of 500 fully loaded boxes of food at Christmas time; participating in the monthly food distribution at the Clovis facility of the Salvation Army; providing financial support to local military families that may be struggling financially and more.
YOUTH. Clovis Rotary strongly supports the advancement of youth in our community. Some examples include: sponsoring and financially supporting Interact Clubs at five local high schools; providing 24 scholarships each year; sending 24 students each year to a leadership camp we call “Camp Royal”, Rotary uses the term RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards). We also support other events for students in the Clovis Unified School District such as: a Spelling Bee; Dictionaries given to over 1,300 students annually; the local Boys and Girls Club (which our club co-founded) plus our own Boy Scout Troop and more.
YOUTH EXCHANGE. During most years Clovis Rotary participates in Rotary International’s Youth Exchange program. We send a high school student to another country for a school year and we receive a student from a foreign country for that same time period. Students attend a high school in Clovis Unified School District and ideally will reside with three different families during their stay here. This has been a highly successful program. If you are interested in becoming a host family please let us know. You do not have to be a Rotarian to host a student.

Projects, Info, etc. (cont)
LOCAL NONPROFITS. We often receive requests from local nonprofits that need a little extra financial support or needs some manpower for events they are hosting. Clovis Rotary supports a number of these types of requests from organizations providing services such as: hospice, fighting human trafficking, domestic violence and more.
FUN ACTIVITIES. There are a number of activities that Clovis Rotary supports and are enjoyed by students and Rotarians such as: manning a water station and cheer station at the annual Two-Cities Marathon; trail cleaning in the Foothills as a Hands-On project: monthly socials, annual Christmas and End of Rotary Year parties and more.
Use the link in the next column labeled “Projects/Organizations Supported by Clovis Rotary” to view an expanded list.